Christain Blindfolds

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Clear your Mind

Hurray! It’s my birthday🎉🎉🎉🎉 it’s another joyful day and I must thank the almighty God for life and good health. I sincerely want to thank everyone who has taken time to read my stories and share with friends…God bless you. Today’s story takes a new turn, it aims to address some existential topic and I hope you enjoy it.

Everytime Jesus Christ healed a person in the bible, he always left off with this powerful quote ‘Go, your faith has healed you’. He said it to the woman with the issue of blood, He also told same to Darius…’Go…your faith has made you well’.
I’m not so much of a deep thinker, but honestly for so many years I have struggled to understand the rationale behind those words of affirmation, and how it somehow served the purpose of making a person whole.

Two years after I graduated from the University…

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Published by Collineto

I am a writer with a deep love for African style of literature and a deep dive into politics and maybe a mix of romance. I believe in the being that created me. I write to bring smiles and constant peace of mind to my readers.

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